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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Wonderland

Today we shopped for a homecoming dress for D1.  But first we let her drive to a busy shopping center and asked her to attempt to parallel park.  In the ensuing two seconds, she completely freaked out at the prospect of even beginning.  She pulled up next to the forward car, too closely, and wigged out.  She really seems to have very little idea where her car boundaries are located at all.  It's unfortunate that she may never pass her driver's test with the inability to conceive where her vehicle is.  She has six months till her driver's test and if we don't have her driving everyday, and possibly have a major crash, she will definitely not get there.  C'est le vie.  She wants to live in a city anyway.

No party dress yet.  Nordstrom Rack was lacking today.  So was Syms.  Next comes BCBG outlet, I imagine.  Next weekend.

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