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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pre-matrimonial bliss

The other day at work we had a pre-matrimonial breakfast for a co-worker. He made the claim that marriage won't be any change because it's like they're married already. I said marriage is different than living together and that commitment changes things. It's not that one doesn't feel like bailing sometimes, but that there is more intention to staying. Women over the age of fifty agreed. Men and women under the age of forty disagreed. I call this decade in between, where I dwell coincidentally, The Great Divide. Not sure whether it's an age thing or a cultural difference between when the younger and the older were raised. The guest of honor is also forty something, so which side if the divide will he be on?

I brought the coffe, juice, plates, plates and napkins. The DH brought bagels, lox, and pastries. Everybody else just attended.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Wonderland

Today we shopped for a homecoming dress for D1.  But first we let her drive to a busy shopping center and asked her to attempt to parallel park.  In the ensuing two seconds, she completely freaked out at the prospect of even beginning.  She pulled up next to the forward car, too closely, and wigged out.  She really seems to have very little idea where her car boundaries are located at all.  It's unfortunate that she may never pass her driver's test with the inability to conceive where her vehicle is.  She has six months till her driver's test and if we don't have her driving everyday, and possibly have a major crash, she will definitely not get there.  C'est le vie.  She wants to live in a city anyway.

No party dress yet.  Nordstrom Rack was lacking today.  So was Syms.  Next comes BCBG outlet, I imagine.  Next weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday night theme

We're not having dates wrapped in bacon, only pizza. I guess red wine goes with that and maybe a fire in the fire pit, but I think the whole concept is giving me a headache. The Indigo Girls tell me it's only life after all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This is not about food

This blog is not about food..., in the event you were looking for recipes. Don't fret. Many such blogs exist. This blog is more about gassing about trivial everyday events. I am inspired by other bloggers that I follow. They make each event sound interesting or important. I suspect they just have more interesting and important lives and therefore immediately possess richer fodder.

Not so, me. Today I went to work. I corrected a map for a wastewater plan and answered questions about that plan. This is better than the random questions I receive via phone or e-mail that administrative types send to me because the caller says "water" somewhere in the conversation. So, a good day.

Children not complaining. Puppies not excreting in the house. Spouse home from New Orleans. Bike ride. The joy iS building.