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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sarcasm gets me nowhere

Posting on Facebook brings out my most sarcastic side. It's a tad distressing because I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but no doubt it's going to happen. My theory is that it's too much inter-generational exposure for me. If I could bring myself to delete the account, that would be a step in the right direction. Maybe tomorrow. Why do the blogs I read seem so much more honest? Is it because I don't know the bloggers personally?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mr. Rogers would like it

The weather is lovely today for a day in early November on the mid-Atlantic coast. While I refer to Mr. Rogers theme song, each special day we get like this actually reminds me of the Cousteau song, The Last Good Day of the Year. We could plunge into weeks of damp, chilly gloom any moment. By the time we come out of it, I'll be suffering from seasonal affective disorder. Although, I tell myself I will exercise somehow and not let the winter gloom get to me.

My father got out of the hospital today after a near brush with a heart attack. Now he has two stents and reamed out arteries. Good for an old man. Was not ready to see him go by any means and lost a couple nights sleep despite telling myself that he was okay and in hospital. I could listen to myself better in this regard.

Now we're waiting for the home-made chicken pot pie to finish baking. It's starting to smell good.